Monday, February 02, 2009

Style section

Home magazine gives its February/March issue over to art and of special interest to OTN are the feature stories looking inside the homes of two New Zealand art dealers. Auckland’s Michael Lett and Hamish McKay from Wellington have let the cameras in and we get to see their differences and similarities of style. The differences are kind of obvious. McKay has chosen a cosy wood lined sanctuary while Lett goes for a lemon and pink flat above the shop. Similarities? We counted five. Artist's lamps - Franz West for Lett, Francis Upritchard for McKay. Paintings resting on the floor. Paintings leaning against walls. Small Hany Armanious sculptures. Stacks of art books, and both have small Julian Dashper drum skin paintings on their walls (you can see pictures of these details on OTN Stuff). Meanwhile Metro magazine for February features the home of art dealer Tim Melville with more paintings on the floor and leaning against walls plus books, but not a Dashper in sight.
Images: Top, Michael Lett. Bottom, Hamish McKay.